This panel, which is original and carefully designed with every detail,symbolizes the flow of life. The mystery of black, the purity of white and thenatural texture of wood come together to create a unique work. This mosaicpanel, which will witness unforgettable moments in the footsteps of time, willremind you of the precious memories of your life and touch your emotions.
This wooden mosaic panel will become not only a wall decoration, but also astory that reflects your dreams, goals and memories. In your living room,bedroom, workspace or office; Wherever you hang it, it will turn that space intoan art gallery with its warmth and elegance.
Produced by hand and with the light of the eye, this wooden mosaic panelcombines the elegance of natural materials with a modern design approach. Itsenvironmental friendliness is another feature that makes it special. Create asustainable and aesthetic atmosphere in your home with this panel, which will beindispensable for interiors.
This wooden mosaic panel, where you will feel like you have taken a journey intime, offers a meaningful gift option to your loved ones. Immortalize yourloving and artistic memories with this panel, which will be instrumental inbringing their homes together with art.
Decorate your walls with the magical world of art with the Serenity Blend WoodenPanel. Reminding us of the transience and beauty of life, this special designwill touch the soul of your home and life. Is your home ready to beat in theheart of art with this board, which will drag you to a different story at everyglance?
Note: The actual colors and pattern of the product may vary slightly due to theunique properties of natural wood. Each board is a separate handmade product andtherefore each one is unique.
This product will be sent by PostOtto on behalf of GobekUSA
Attribute | Value |
Product Size | Height 23.62 in x Width 1.18 in x Length 41.34 in |
Product Code | PODP021 |