Ever struggle to control your temper or hold back emotions? This repression of negative energy only causes it to build. The Tiger’s Eye Stability Bracelet helps you find the best way to funnel this negativity out of your system and re-energize yourself in the process.
Tiger’s Eye itself is a powerful protection stone that enhances will-power and motivation. The ability to power through negative thoughts; simply ask: “Will this matter to me in an hour's time? Or tomorrow? Or next year?” The answer is most likely no. Follow it up with “What am I grateful for in this present moment?” This question not only encourages gratitude which creates happiness, but it also grounds you in the present moment as you firmly overcome your negative thought process. Don’t let yourself be so easily stressed.
The rest of this bracelet is made from Black Agate, another strong protective stone. This crystal enhances the grounding effects while also bringing an element of peace and tranquility. It enables harmony to manifest even in super stressful households.
Designed with men in mind, the chic bracelet can be worn by both men and women alike.
Keep your composure.
Affirmation: Use a mantra such as “I am prepared to take on any situation with a calm mind” to increase the stone’s effects.
As the bracelet is made of natural stones, the colors may vary slightly from stone to stone, making each one utterly unique.